Dr. J. Steven Banks DDS - Logo
3440 Bell St., Suite 230
Amarillo, Texas 79109


Rapid Relief for Snoring with Solea Sleep

Did you know that Dr. Banks can treat snoring and mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?

Snoring is usually caused by vibration of the soft palate while breathing. We offer a 5-minute, non-surgical laser treatment called Solea Sleep that can decrease or eliminate snoring in 80 – 85% of people who snore.  

Solea Sleep uses ultra-low laser energy to tighten and stiffen collagen in the soft palate, reducing vibrations that cause you to snore. This quick, painless, non-surgical treatment provides rapid relief for most people who snore.

We can also utilize OptiSleep, an oral appliance similar to a night guard. Many cases of mild obstructive sleep apnea can be treated in this way. This is especially appealing to people who don’t want to wear a CPAP at night.  

Questions You May Have About Solea Sleep

  • Does Solea Sleep work every time on the first try?

    It works with a single treatment over 90% of the time. About 1 in 10 patients require a second treatment.

  • Why would Solea Sleep not work on the first try?

    Sometimes the airway is so closed that we cannot get the laser energy to the entire soft palate in the first treatment. In that case, the first Solea Sleep treatment opens it up enough that we can get to the rest of the area in the second treatment.

  • Why would I have to wait between treatments? Can’t you just do them both in one visit?

    No, the tissue tightens for thirty days after the treatment, so it takes a little while for treatment to have a full effect.

  • What if a second Solea Sleep treatment is required?

    You simply come back, and we do the same treatment again. Just call our office to schedule a time.

  • Does Solea Sleep work for everyone?

    It works for virtually all palatal snorers. Nasal snorers will not benefit from treatment unless they are both palatal and nasal snorers. Significantly overweight people may not get great results because there is just too much excess tissue in their soft palate.

  • Does Solea Sleep work for people with CPAP devices?

    This is not a treatment for Sleep Apnea; however, it will reduce snoring for people who snore despite the fact that they wear a CPAP at night.

  • Do I need a sleep test?

    A sleep test is not always necessary. However, it is helpful in measuring the effect of the Solea Sleep treatment if you do it before and after the treatment.

  • Do I need to see a physician before having Solea Sleep Treatment?

    Snoring is a symptom of Sleep Apnea, which is a more serious condition. If you want to rule out Sleep Apnea, you should definitely see a sleep physician either before or after I perform the procedure.

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